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Sota Furusawa, an MSc student in this lab, presented and published his research findings at the IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems & Techniques (IEEE IST 2024), held in Tokyo. His paper is titled "High-Performance Face Identification Using Randomly Selected Channels from Hyperspectral Images".

当研究室の修士課程学生の古澤颯大君は、東京で開催されたIEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems & Techniques(IEEE IST 2024)で研究成果を発表し、論文を公開しました。彼の論文のタイトルは「ハイパースペクトル画像のランダム選択チャネルを用いた高性能顔識別」です。

Prof. Chinthaka attended the 2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2024) in Abu Dhabi, where he presented a lab research project on UAV-based victim detection at disaster sites.

チンタカ教授がアブダビで開催されているIEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2024) に出席し、研究室で進めてきた災害地での被災者探索に関する研究プロジェクトについて発表しました。

 Today, a team of researchers from Sri Lanka visited our lab, and we engaged in various discussions, including the launch of a joint research project.




Prof. Chinthaka attended the IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics in Boston and presented my paper. This was my first time attending this conference, and he was very pleased to be able to interact with many researchers. Additionally, Boston has many old buildings and beautiful scenery. It is also home to many universities, making it a city rich in education and research.

チンタカ教授がボストンで開催されているIEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronicsに出席し、論文発表を行いました。また、ボストンには古い建物が多く、きれいな街並みが広がっており、さらに多くの大学があり、教育・研究が盛んな街だと感じました。。

Prof. Chinthaka attended and published a paper at the 17th edition of the IEEE International Symposium on Robotic and Sensors Environments, held at Chemnitz University of Technology, Chemnitz, Germany. This time, a project titled "Privacy-Secured Early Detection of Smartphone Users in Danger at Stations Using Depth Sensor and Deep Learning," conducted by a previous undergraduate student, was published and presented. The project received valuable feedback from the attendees.

チンタカ教授がドイツのケムニッツ工科大学で開催された「17th edition of the IEEE International Symposium on Robotic and Sensors Environments」に出席し、論文を発表しました。今回は、学部卒業生が行った「深度センサーとディープラーニングを用いた駅での危険なスマートフォンユーザーの早期検出」に関する研究プロジェクトの論文を発表し、参加者から貴重なフィードバックをいただきました。

Prof. Chinthaka visited the laboratory of Prof. Sandro Carrara at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) University in Switzerland, as well as the main campus of EPFL. It was a day filled with various discussions about the research progress of the master's students from Chinthaka lab who are currently on an exchange program at EPFL. 

チンタカ教授がスイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校(EPFL)のSandro Carrara教授の研究室およびEPFLのメインキャンパスを訪問しました。EPFLに交換留学中の当研究室の修士課程の学生の研究進捗について、さまざまな議論を行いました。

Professor Chinthaka was selected for the New Generation Star Project at the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) and was introduced at the PC member social gathering. This project recognizes young researchers active in the field of robotics and takes place during the world's top-level robotics conferences, ICRA or IROS.

チンタカ教授は、2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) の「New Generation Star Project」に選ばれ、会議のPCメンバー懇親会で紹介されました。このプロジェクトは、ロボット分野で活躍する若手研究者を表彰するもので、世界トップクラスのロボット関連分野の国際会議であるICRAまたはIROSの開催中に行われます。

Prof. Chinthaka and Nilupul Senerathne attended the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2024) in Yokohama. During the conference, Nilupul Sensvirathna, an MSc student, presented his research. It has been a great opportunity to discuss and expand the research network in the field of robotics.

横浜で開催されている2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2024) に、チンタカ教授と修士課程のNilupulさんが出席しました。会議中、Nilupulさんは自身の研究成果を発表しました。また、この会議はロボティクス分野の研究ネットワークについて議論し、拡大する絶好の機会ともなりました。

Our collaborative research paper, titled "A Stretchable Jamming Gripper Grasping Flat Plates" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access. This project is a collaborative effort with Professor Shingo Maeda's research group at Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan. Link to paper

当研究室の共同研究成果を基に、執筆された論文がIEEE Robotics and Automation Letters学術雑誌に採択されました。タイトルは「クアッドコプターを多機能化するための紙ベース双安定折り紙グリッパー」です。この研究は、芝浦工業大学の重宗宏毅准教授の研究グループとの共同研究成果です。

A global project-based learning program was conducted in Chinthaka lab, welcoming a student team from Sri Lanka. In this workshop, students collaborated in groups to solve technical problems, with each group comprising members from diverse cultural backgrounds.


The Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT) held its graduation ceremony. One PhD student and ten BSc students completed their graduation projects in this  lab and officially graduated. One student received a special award from the university for outstanding academic performance. All of them have secured positions at both local and global companies, as they hoped. Additionally, one BSc student will be joining a PhD program at a UK university, bypassing the MSc. Congratulations, and I wish you all the best for your future!


Our collaborative research paper, titled "Paper-based Bistable Origami Gripper to Make Quadcopters Multi-functional" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. This project is a collaborative effort with Professor Hiroki Shigemune's research group at Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan. Link to paper

当研究室の共同研究成果を基に、執筆された論文がIEEE Robotics and Automation Letters学術雑誌に採択されました。タイトルは「クアッドコプターを多機能化するための紙ベース双安定折り紙グリッパー」です。この研究は、芝浦工業大学の重宗宏毅准教授の研究グループとの共同研究成果です。

The 3rd International Conference on Image Processing and Robotics (ICIPRoB2024), with Prof. Chinthaka serving as the General Chair, has officially commenced at the Galle Face Hotel in Colombo, Srilanka, welcoming participants from 12 countries. This year, five papers from this lab, including three collaborative ones, were presented at the conference.

国際会議3rd International Conference on Image Processing and Robotics(ICIPRoB2024)は、チンタカ教授が実行委員長を務め、スリランカ国コロンボ市で正式に開幕しました。本会議には12か国からの参加者が集まりました。今年は、当研究室から5本の論文が発表され、そのうち3本は共同研究によるものです。

Our collaborative research paper titled "Drone-based Automatic Water Sampling System" has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Access. This project is a collaborative work with Dr. Carl John's research group at Iligan Institute of Technology, Philippines Link to paper

当研究室の共同研究成果を基に、執筆された論文がIEEE Access学術雑誌に採択されました。タイトルは「ドローンを用いた水質サンプル自動取得システム」です。この研究は、フィリピンのイリガン工科大学のカール・ジョン博士の研究グループとの共同研究成果です。

Today, we conducted the PhD defense for Witchuda Thongking (from Thailand), who began her research under my supervision in 2022. She registered at PhD program of the Shibaura Institute of Technology in 2021 but was unfortunately unable to come to Japan as scheduled due to COVID-19 immigration regulations. Despite these challenges, she made significant progress over two years, fulfilling all the requirements for her PhD. Today, she successfully defended her thesis. Her research project was a collaborative effort with Professor Maeda Shingo's group at Tokyo Institute of Technology.

Congratulations to Witchuda Thongking!!


Our paper titled "Automatic Detection of Abnormal Drone Flight State by Measuring Changes in Images Captured by a Drone-mounted Camera" has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine. Link to paper

当研究室の研究成果に基づき、執筆された論文が IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine学術雑誌に採択されました。タイトルは「ドローン搭載カメラが捉える画像の変化を測定による異常飛行状態の自動検出」です。

Our paper titled "GAN Based Audio Noise Suppression for Victim Detection at Disaster Sites with UAV" has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Services Computing. Link to paper

当研究室の研究成果に基づき、執筆された論文が IEEE Transactions on Services Computing学術雑誌に採択されました。タイトルは「UAVを使用した被災者早期発見のためのGANベースのオーディオノイズキャンセリング」です。

Prof. Chinthaka delivered a keynote speech at the  4th International Conference on Robotics, Intelligent Automation and Control Technologies (RIACT 2023) in Vellore Institute of Technology, India.   Title of speech: "Advanced Victim Discovery in Disaster Areas via Drone-Enabled Voice and Image Recognition"  Link to conference

チンタカ教授がインドVellore Institute of Technologyで開催された国際会議4th International Conference on Robotics, Intelligent Automation and Control Technologies (RIACT 2023)で基調講演を行いました。講演タイトル:Advanced Victim Discovery in Disaster Areas via Drone-Enabled Voice and Image Recognition

Recently, we published two journal papers (as mentioned below) focused on a project that involves using UAVs equipped with low-resolution Hyper Spectral Imaging (LHSI) for agricultural inspection. In the preliminary stages of this project, our research centered on stitching LHSI images to cover a larger ground area, which led to these publications. This project is a collaborative effort with Prof. Hiroharu Kawanaka's group at Mie University, Japan. All data collection was conducted in the agricultural fields of Mie University. The project was initiated and has been primarily advanced by Chamika Perera, a PhD candidate at Mie University. These publications have fulfilled the requirements for his PhD. We extend our congratulations to Chamika Perera.

我々は農業監査のために低解像度ハイパースペクトルカメラを搭載したUAVを用いるプロジェクトに焦点を当て、2つの学術論文を発表しました(以下に記載)。このプロジェクトの初期段階では、上空から撮影した低解像度ハイパースペクトルカメラ画像を結合し、地面の広範囲をカバーするハイパースペクトル画像を生成することに成功しており、これがこれらの論文の公開に繋がりました。このプロジェクトは三重大学のHiroharu Kawanaka教授の研究グループと共同で進行しています。全てのデータ収集は三重大学の農業フィールドで実施されました。プロジェクトは三重大学の博士候補、Chamika Pereraによって発起され、主導されています。これらの論文は彼の博士号取得の要件を満たしています。おめでとうございます!!

C. J. Perera, C. Premachandra and H. Kawanaka, "Low Pixel Resolution Hyperspectral Image Mosaics Generation Using Learning-Based Feature Matching," in IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 104084-104093, 2023 Link to paper 

C. J. Perera, C. Premachandra and H. Kawanaka, "Enhancing Feature Detection and Matching in Low-Pixel-Resolution Hyperspectral Images Using 3D Convolution-Based Siamese Networks" Sensors 2023, 23(18), 8004; Link to paper 

The PhD student (Thongking Witchuda), MSc student (Tomoya Ishii), and prof. Chinthaka presented three presentations at IROS 2023 (Detroit, USA), which were related to three research projects from this lab. During and after the presentations, we received many questions from the audience and engaged in valuable discussions. All of them visited the Henry Ford Museum in Detroit as part of the IEEE IROS 2023 event.

アメリカ、デトロイト市で開催国際会議 国際会議IROS 2023において(Thongking Witchuda さん)、博士課程の学生、修士課程の学生(石井 那哉君)、そしてチンタカ教授は、研究室の3つの研究プロジェクトに関連する3つの発表を行いました。発表中やその後、聴衆から多くの質問を受け、有意義な議論を交わしました。IEEE IROS 2023のイベントの一環として、デトロイトのヘンリフォード博物館を訪れました。

MSc student Tomoki Furusawa showcased his research findings at  The IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), which took place in UNSW, Canberra, Australia from Sept 6 to 9, 2023. While attending the 2023 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP) at UNSW Canberra, Prof. Chinthaka had a great opportunity to visit the Robotics & Autonomous Systems lab there. He engaged in very interesting discussions regarding the challenges of applying computer vision and AI in robotics, especially concerning hardware constraints for implementations. Special thanks to Dr. Asanka Perera for arranging this opportunity shortly after meeting him in person for the first time.

オーストラリア、UNSWキャンベラで開催国際会議 The IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP) 2023において、修士課程の古澤知樹さんが彼の研究成果を発表しました。また、IEEE Region 10 Symposium(TENSYMP)に参加している間、UNSW CanberraのRobotics & Autonomous Systems lab研究室を訪れる機会を得ました。ロボティクスにおいてコンピュータビジョンとAIを適用する際の課題、特に実装におけるハードウェアの制約について非常に興味深い議論をしました。

In an effort to encourage female high school students to pursue engineering studies, Shibaura Institute of Technology offered a one-week laboratory internship program specifically designed for them. As part of this internship program, the image processing and robotics lab conducts a mobile robot control internship for female high school students. During the program, the students were taught the basics of microcontrollers and image processing in the laboratory. Subsequently, they were tasked with implementing simple autonomous control for the robots using the acquired knowledge. Within four days, they were able to achieve basic control of a mobile robot.

The internship lasted for four days; however, the high school students thoroughly enjoyed engaging in robot building. Moreover, this internship provided them with a valuable opportunity to experience the university lab environment.


MSc student Tatsuniori Matsumoto has departed for EPFL, Switzerland, where he will undertake a one-year laboratory internship under the guidance of Prof. Sandro Carrara at EPFL.

 修士課程1年生の松本辰徳君が1年間留学のため、スイスへ旅立ちました。彼はスイスEPFLで1年間Prof. Sandro Carrara先生の研究室で究室配属型留学生として所属します。

Prof. Chinthaka delivered an invited speech at a meeting organized by the Tokai area student members of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japan, held at Mie University, Japan. The title of the speech was: "Object Detection from Video and Audio Using Integrated Image Difference Techniques and AI."


Prof. Chinthaka delivered a keynote speech at the 2023 International Conference on Robotics, Control, and Vision Engineering (RCVE) in Tokyo, Japan.        Title of speech: "Vision-Based Applications for Human Safety using 3D Point Cloud Data"  Link to conference

チンタカ教授が東京で開催された国際会議2023 International Conference on Robotics, Control and Vision Engineering(RCVE)で基調講演を行いました。      講演タイトル:Vision-Based Applications for Human Safety using 3D Point Cloud Data

MSc student Tatsuniori Matsumoto showcased his research findings at the IEEE Sensor Applications Symposium 2023, which took place in Ottawa, Canada from July 18 to 20, 2023.

国際会議IEEE Sensor Applications Symposium 2023において、修士課程の松本辰徳さんが彼の研究成果を発表しました。

Prof. Chinthaka visited the research laboratory at the University of Hertfordshire, where one of the undergraduate students from Chinthaka's lab, Koyo Fujii, is currently undergoing a research internship. A meeting was conducted to discuss updates on research progress and considerations for the future.

In addition, Prof. Chinthaka had the opportunity to explore the Robot House at the University of Hertfordshire. The Robot House is a unique facility where robots are integrated into a residential environment, allowing various individuals, including children, individuals with different abilities, and those with disabilities, to coexist with the assistance of multiple robots. The facility operates by utilizing a standard house and undertaking the necessary research and development to facilitate interaction between humans and robots. Prof. Chinthaka found this facility to hold immense value.

チンタカ教授は、研究室の学部生(藤井晃洋君)が交換留学をしているハートフォードシャー大学(The University of Hertfordshire)を訪れ、進捗状況の確認と今後の展望について打ち合わせを行いました。その後、チンタカ教授はハートフォードシャー大学のロボットハウスを見学しました。ロボットハウスは、住宅にロボットを統合し、子供から健常者、障がい者まで多様な人々が複数のロボットの支援を受けながら生活できる施設です。通常の住宅を借りて運営され、人間とロボットの相互作用を実現するための必要な研究開発が行われています。チンタカ教授がこの施設は、ロボット研究者にとって非常に価値のある場所であると感じたとのことでした。

Prof. Chinthaka delivered a keynote speech at the 3rd International Conference on Computer, Remote Sensing, and Aerospace (CRSA 2023) in Osaka, Japan.   Title of speech: "Voice-Image-Based Victim Search on Drones in Disaster-Stricken Areas"  Link to conference

チンタカ教授は、大阪で開催された国際会議3rd International Conference on Computer, Remote Sensing and Aerospace(CRSA 2023)で基調講演を行いました。講演タイトル:Voice-Image-Based Victim Search on Drones in Disaster-Stricken Areas

Prof. Chinthaka gave a keynote speech at The 6th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Robots (AIR 2023) in Chengdu, China.   Title of speech: "Cutting-edge Object Detection/Classification Approaches with Deep Learning and 3D Point Cloud Data by Depth Camera"  Link to conference

チンタカ教授は、国際会議6th Int'l Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Robots (AIR 202)」において基調講演を行いました。                                                  講演タイトル:Cutting-edge Object Detection/Classification Approaches with Deep Learning and 3D Point Cloud Data by Depth Camera

 Our paper titled "Depth–Gyro Sensor-Based Extended Face Orientation Estimation Using Deep Learning" has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Sensors Journal." Link to paper

当研究室の研究成果に基づき、執筆された論文がIEEE Sensors学術雑誌に採録されました。タイトルは「深度センサーとジャイロセンサーの統合に基づく深層学習を用いた拡張顔方向推定」です。

 Prof. Chinthaka attended the award presentation ceremony for the "Tateishi Science and Technology Foundation Research Grant (A)" held at the OMRON Group Headquarters in Kyoto, Japan. This grant was conferred in February of this year.

チンタカ教授が今年2月に採択された『立石科学技術振興財団の研究助成(A)』        の贈呈式に出席しました。

The graduation ceremony of Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT) took place today. Two MSc students and eleven BSc students successfully completed their graduation projects in this Lab and officially graduated. One student received a special award from the university for their outstanding academic performance. All of them have secured positions in various local and global companies, including Cisco, Western Digital, Honda, NEC, and more. Congratulations to all of them, and best wishes for their future endeavors!

本日、芝浦工業大学における2022年度の卒業式が行われました!この度、当研究室からは11名の学部生と2名の修士課程の学生が卒業しました。また、1名の学生が卒業生向けの賞を受賞しました。誠におめでとうございます!今回も、全ての卒業生が希望通りの就職先を見つけることができました(ホンダ、NEC、村田製作所などの日本の企業や、Cisco、Western Digitalなどの外資系企業)。彼らはこれから国際的な舞台で素晴らしい活躍をしてくれることでしょう。

The Image Processing and Robotics Lab at Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT) hosted a Global Project-Based Learning (gPBL) workshop, welcoming a student team from Sri Lanka. This workshop was sponsored by the JST Sakura Science program. Detailed information


Our paper titled "Reservoir Computing Model for Human Hand Locomotion Signal Classification" has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Access Journal. This paper is primarily based on research findings by Thongking Witchuda (PhD candidate). Congratulations to Thongking Witchuda!! This is a collaborative research project with Professor Shingo Maeda's research group at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. Link to paper 

当研究室の研究成果に基づき、執筆された論文がIEEE Access学術雑誌に採録されました。タイトルは「手の動きの信号分類のためのリザーバーコンピューティングモデル」です。この研究は、東京工業大学の前田真吾先生の研究グループとの共同研究プロジェクトです。

Research and Development Engineer, Guillem Gari Zanon from Robotnik Automation (Spain), visited our lab and engaged in an insightful discussion on cloud robotics. Our students were greatly inspired by his presentation.

スペインのRobotnik Automationの研究開発エンジニア、Guillem Gari Zanon氏が当研究室を訪れ、クラウドロボティクスに関する洞察に富んだ議論に参加しました。彼のプレゼンテーションに触発され、私たちの学生たちは大いに刺激を受けました。

MSc students Ryo Nakazawa and Takeru Yoshikawa presented their research findings at the 3rd International Conference on Robotics, Automation, and Artificial Intelligence (RAAI 2023), held in Singapore from December 14 to 16, 2023. These presentations mark the first time Lab students have participated in an in-person international conference since the COVID pandemic.


 Link to conference

Prof. Chinthaka made an invited speech at Joint 12th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 23rd International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS&ISIS2022), Ise, Japan.                                                                                                                                                Title of speech: "Cutting Edge Technologies for On-Drone Voice-Based Victim Searching in Disaster-Stricken Areas"  Link to conference

チンタカ教授が国際会議SCIS&ISIS2022で招待講演を行いました。                                                                                          タイトル:Cutting Edge Technologies for On-Drone Voice-Based Victim Searching in Disaster-Stricken Areas

Prof. Chinthaka made an invited speech at Scientific Meeting by IEEE Lone Star Section Robotics and Automation Society and Aerospace Electronics Systems Society Chapter, UTSA, San Antonio, USA.                                                                                                                                                                                                   Title of speech: "Technologies for voice-based victim searching in disaster-stricken areas using drones" 

チンタカ教授が国際会議IEEE Lone Star Section Robotics and Automation Society and Aerospace Electronics Systems Society Chapterで招待講演を行いました。                                                                                                                                                                                                         タイトル:Technologies for voice-based victim searching in disaster-stricken areas using drones

We are thrilled to announce that we have received the 2022 IEEE Sensors Letters Best Paper Award! The award was presented during the award ceremony at the 2022 IEEE Sensors Conference held in Dallas, USA.

IEEE Sensors Letters学術雑誌に掲載された我々の論文が2022 IEEE Sensors Letters論文賞を受賞しました。この賞はアメリカのダラスで行われた2022 IEEE Sensors Conferenceの授賞式で受け取りました!

Prof. Chinthaka made an invited speech at 2022 IEEE Sensors Conference, Dallas, USA.                                                                                                                        Title of speech: "A Hybrid Camera System for high-resolutionization of Target Objects in Omnidirectional Images"  Link to conference

チンタカ教授が国際会議2022 IEEE Sensors Conferenceで招待講演を行いました。                                                              タイトル:A Hybrid Camera System for high-resolutionization of Target Objects in Omnidirectional Images

Prof. Chinthaka made an invited speech at  Scientific lecture Meeting by IEEE Sapporo Section, Sapporo, Japan,                                                                           Title of speech: "Audio processing and related technologies for victim searching in disaster-stricken areas using drone" 

チンタカ教授が IEEE Sapporo Section学術講演会講演を行いました。                                                                                                                                                               タイトル:ドローンを用いた被災地における被災者捜索活動のための音声処理及び関連技術

A robotic internship for female high school was conducted in the Lab. The high school students perfectly made a wheel robot with some automatic speed control functions by setting sensors and microcontrollers onboard. The high school students really enjoyed working on robot development.


Prof. Chinthaka made a keynote speech at The 6th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Robots (AIR 2022),  Chengdu, China.                  Title of speech: "Enhanced Omnidirectional Image Generation for RoboticsLink to conference

チンタカ教授が国際会議The 6th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Robots (AIR 2022)で基調講演を行いました。                                       タイトル:Enhanced Omnidirectional Image Generation for Robotics

Our paper titled "Human-Robot Communication System for an Isolated Environment," accepted for publication in the IEEE Access Journal.  This paper was written mainly based on research findings by previous exchange student who was in this lab, from University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka. Congratulations to  Isanka Diddeniya!! Link to paper 

当研究室の研究成果で執筆論文がIEEE Access 学術雑誌に採録されました。"隔離環境においてロボット操作用人間ロボット間コミュニケーションシステム"というタイトルです。

Prof. Chinthaka made a keynote speech at The 2022 International Conference on Internet Engineering and Information Technology (IEIT2022), Wuhan, China. Title of speech: "Cutting-edge Technique for Expanding Practical-applications of Omnidirectional CamerasLink to conference

チンタカ教授が国際会議The 2022 International Conference on Internet Engineering and Information Technology (IEIT2022)で基調講演を行いました。   タイトル:Cutting-edge Technique for Expanding Practical-applications of Omnidirectional Cameras.

Our paper titled "Deep-learning-based Stair Detection Using 3D Point Cloud Data for Preventing Walking Accidents of the Visually Impaired," accepted for publication in the IEEE Access Journal.   This paper was written mainly based on research findings by Ms. Haruka Matsumura (BSc student graduated March 2022) .. Congratulations to  Matsumura san!! Link to paper 

当研究室の研究成果で執筆論文がIEEE Access 学術雑誌に採録されました。"3次元点群の深層学習による階段検出で視覚障碍者の歩行事故防止"というタイトルです。2022年3月学部卒業生の松村悠花さんの研究成果で執筆したものです。松村さん、おめでとうございます!!

Prof. Chinthaka was awarded IEEE JAPAN MEDAL by the IEEE Tokyo section.

チンタカ教授がIEEE JAPAN MEDAL を受賞しました!

SIT graduation ceremony was conducted. 2MSc students and 9BSc students completed their graduation projects in Chinthaka Lab and confirmed the graduation. Congratulations..! 2 students received student award from the university as well as academic societies such as SICE in Japan as below.

Yugo Kunisada (M2) received the SIT deans award and SICE Outstanding Student Award                                                                                                                     Haruka Matsumura (B4) received  SIT Arimoto Memorial Award



國貞 有吾(M2)   専攻賞、SICE優秀学生賞                                                                                                                                                                                                                    松村悠花(B4)    有元史郎記念賞

Yugo Kunisada (MSc 2nd year student) received the ICIPRoB2022 Research Encouragement  Award of the 2nd International Conference on Image Processing and Robotics

修士2年生の國貞 有吾君が国際会議ICIPRoB 2022に論文を発表し、ICIPRoB2022 Research Encouragement Awardを受賞した。

Award information in SIT Web 

The research paper titled "High Precision Location Estimation in Mountainous Areas Using GPS" was accepted in MDPI Sensors Journal.  This paper was written mainly based on research findings by Yugo Kunisada (MSc 2nd year student) . Congratulations to Kunisada san!! Link to paper

当研究室の研究成果で執筆論文がMDPI Sensors 学術雑誌に採録されました。"山間部のGPS位置におけるエラーの修正”という内容です。修士2年生の國貞 有吾君の研究成果で執筆したものです。國貞くん、おめでとうございます!!

The research paper titled "Development of a bathing accident monitoring system using a depth sensor" was accepted in IEEE Sensors Letters.  This paper was written mainly based on research findings by Yoshiaki Endo (BSc student graduated March 2021) . Congratulations to Yoshiaki Endo!! Link to paper 

当研究室の研究成果で執筆論文がIEEE Sensors letters学術雑誌に採録されました。"深度センサーの三次元点群データを用いた溺水モニタリング”という内容です。主に、2021年3月学部卒業生の遠藤圭朗君の研究成果で執筆したものです。遠藤くん、おめでとうございます!!

Prof. Chinthaka made a keynote speech at 2nd International Seminar on Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Information Technology (AINIT 2021), China. Title of speech: "Enhancements of Omnidirectional Image Generation"  Link to conference

チンタカ教授が国際会議2nd International Seminar on Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Information Technology (AINIT 2021)で基調講演を行いました。タイトル:Enhancements of Omnidirectional Image Generation.

Prof. Chinthaka made a keynote speech at 3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technologies and Applications (ICAITA 2021), China. Title of speech: "Cutting Edge Technique for Improving Omnidirectional Image Generation for Robotics Applications"  Link to conference

チンタカ教授が国際会議3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technologies and Applications (ICAITA 2021)で基調講演を行いました。タイトル:Cutting Edge Technique for Improving Omnidirectional Image Generation for Robotics Applications.

The research paper titled "Remote Control of a Wheeled Robot by Visible Light for Support in Infectious Disease Hospitals" was accepted in IEEE Access journal.  This paper was written mainly based on research findings by Musashi Tsunoda (MSc student graduated March 2021) . Congratulations to Musashi Tsunoda!! Link to paper 

当研究室の研究成果で執筆論文がIEEE Access学術雑誌に採録されました。"可視光による医療現場用車輪型移動ロボットの遠隔操作”という内容です。主に、2021年3月修士課程修了生の角田武蔵君の研究成果で執筆したものです。角田くん、おめでとうございます!!

Our paper titled "Detecting Power Lines Using Point Instance Network for Distribution Line Inspection,"  accepted for publication in the IEEE Access Journal.  This paper was written mainly based on research findings by previous exchange researcher who worked this lab, from Mindanao State University - IIT, Philippines. Congratulations to  Moheddin U. Sumagayan!! Link to paper 

当研究室の研究成果で執筆論文がIEEE Access 学術雑誌に採録されました。"配電線検査のための転移学習を導入した自動電線検出"というタイトルです。

Prof. Chinthaka made a keynote speech at The 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Robots (AIR 2021), ” Kunming, China. Title of speech: "Vision based approaches for autonomous flight of aerial robots"  Link to conference

チンタカ教授が国際会議 The 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Robots (AIR 2021)で基調講演を行いました。タイトル:Vision based approaches for autonomous flight of aerial robots.

Prof. Chinthaka made an invited speech at a workshop organized by Srilanka Association for the Advancements of Science regarding "Higher Studies Research Opportunities in Japan"

チンタカ教授がSrilanka Association for the Advancements of Sciences主催の国際ワークショップで "日本の高等教育機関への留学機会"について招待講演を行いました。

Our paper titled "Head posture estimation by deep learning using 3D point cloud data from a depth sensor,"  accepted for publication in the IEEE Sensors Letters.  This paper was written mainly based on research findings by Seiji Sasaki who graduated March 2021. Congratulations to  Seiji Sasaki!! Link to paper 

当研究室の研究成果で執筆論文がIEEE Sensors Letters 学術雑誌に採録されました。"三次元点群データを用いた深層学習による頭部の姿勢推定"というタイトルです。昨年度で卒業した佐々木 誠治くんの卒研究成果で執筆したものです。佐々木 誠治くん、おめでとうございます!!

Prof. Chinthaka made a keynote speech at 2021 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Electromechanical Automation. Title of speech: "Autonomous UAV Hovering/Landing Approaches with On-board cameras"  Link to conference

チンタカ教授が国際会議2021 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Electromechanical Automationで基調講演を行いました。タイトル:"Autonomous UAV Hovering/Landing Approaches with On-board cameras" 

EurekAlert press release regarding a recently published paper published in IEEE Sensors Journal, titled "A Hybrid Camera System for High-Resolutionization of Target Objects in Omnidirectional Images". Link to press release 

研究室の最近公開済み論文"A Hybrid Camera System for High-Resolutionization of Target Objects in Omnidirectional Images"につてEurekAlert のプレスリリースに掲載されました。

Our paper titled "Autonomous Spiral Motion by a Small-Type Robot on an Obstacle-Available Surface,"  accepted for publication in the MDPI Micromachines. Link to paper 

当研究室の研究成果で執筆論文がMDPI Micromachines 学術雑誌に採録されました。"障害物の存在平面上における小型ロボットのスパイラル走行実現"というタイトルです。

EurekAlert press release regarding a recently published paper in IEEE Access Journal, titled "Tactile Paving Detection by Dynamic Thresholding Based on HSV Space Analysis for Developing a Walking Support System".

研究室の最近公開済み論文"Tactile Paving Detection by Dynamic Thresholding Based on HSV Space Analysis for Developing a Walking Support System"につてEurekAlert のプレスリリースに掲載されました。

Link to press  release 

MSc graduate, Yuki Ito was awarded a special award at the SIT March 2020 graduation ceremony that was held today. During the MSc program, he made outstanding research findings and published few research papers in reputed IEEE Journal+few Conference.Congratulations to Yuki Ito‼️


SIT Graduation ceremony was held today. 2MSc students and 10BSc students completed their graduation projects in my Lab and confirmed the graduation. Congratulations..! Fortunately, they could experience the  March 2020 SIT annual graduation ceremony today(under a lot of regulations). 


Prof. Chinthaka made a keynote speech at International Conference on Advanced Research in Computing 2021. Link to conference

チンタカ教授が国際会議International Conference on Advanced Research in Computing 2021で基調講演を行いました。

2 MSc students presented their research findings at MSc defence presentation.


Our paper titled "A Hybrid Camera System for high-resolutionization of Target Objects in Omnidirectional Images,"  accepted for publication in the IEEE Sensors Journal. Link to paper 

当研究室の研究成果で執筆論文がIEEE Sensors Journals 学術雑誌に採録されました。"全天球画像における検出対象物体の高解像度化用ハイブリッドカメラシステム"というタイトルです。

Graduate Project presentation event.  10 bachelor 4th year students made their project presentations. 


The research paper titled "Tactile Paving Detection by Dynamic Thresholding Based on HSV Space Analysis for Developing a Walking Support System" was accepted in IEEE Access journal.  This paper was written mainly based on research findings by Yuki Ito (MSc student) . Congratulations to Yuki Ito!!

Link to paper 

当研究室の研究成果で執筆論文がIEEE Access学術雑誌に採録されました。視覚障害者歩行支援システムのための点字ブロックの自動検出という内容です。主に、修士課程の伊東 悠喜君の研究成果で執筆したものです。伊東くん、おめでとうございます!!

EurekAlert press release regarding a recently published paper by the lab.

研究室の最近公開済み論文につてEurekAlert のプレスリリースに掲載されました

Link to press  release 

The research paper titled "Development of an Automated Camera-Based Drone Landing System" was accepted in IEEE Access journal.  This paper was written based on the work by Malik Demirhan (Previous intern student from Germany). Congratulations to Malik Demirhan!!

当研究室の研究成果で執筆論文がIEEE Access学術雑誌に採録されました。ドローン搭載カメラで認識される着陸場へ自動着陸実現に関する内容です。昨年度ドイツから芝浦工業大学の短期留学(インターン)プログラムに参加学生(Malik Demirhan)の研究成果に基づき執筆した論文です。Malikさんおめでとうございます!!

Link to paper